News and Press

Branch Administrators conference

The annual Branch Administrators' Conference was recently held at the D&S HO Training Centre. Organized by Supply Director Anthony Wangondu, the event gathered together over 60 participants from across the Group for a tightly packed 2-day schedule which commenced with an introduction from the Group Chairman Alec Davis and CEO David Gatende and included contributions from 20 other speakers who lent their perspectives on the various topics relevant to the vital branch administration function.

As the D&S Group now includes over 70 branches, this area of competence has become a key priority in the management of the ever expanding portfolio of D&S outlets in order to maintain the highest levels of compliance and customer service. Key guests speaker included Simon Fisher who gave a talk to accountants on the subject of IFRS for SMEs and, in line with this year's theme of 'Putting the Customer First', Dr Lucy Kirithu, gave her insights on the customer experience and how companies like D&S need to focus on winning in this area in order to succeed.